Jasmine Grace Outreach

Jennifer Record

Who we are:  

Jasmine Grace Outreach (JGO) is a home-grown ministry that helps individuals break free from drug addiction, sexual exploitation, and a hopeless way of life, and depends on the community for all support. We are a dedicated team of women survivors and/or in recovery who are available to help guide those who are ready and need our help. We provide connections to local and national safe homes and recovery services so they can start healing. JGO offers an 8-10-week survivor-led support group that educates about the harms of the commercial sex trade and unhealthy relationships, Mentoring, and Recovery Coaching services to women as they exit the cycles of exploitation and addiction. We continue to walk alongside and support them on their journey deeper into the healing process. We are available for speaking engagements to help educate the community and change women's lives.

Collaborating with programs serving women affected by trafficking, prostitution, addiction, and homelessness, the community drives our Outreach Ministry, Bags of Hope; this is our favorite and most essential aspect of our work. It's also how you can connect and volunteer with us! Our purple bags are filled with necessary hygiene items and given to vulnerable women living on the streets or in programs throughout Massachusetts and New Hampshire. Many different groups of people are donating items, filling the bags, and handing them out. Every Bag has encouraging notes and resource cards to let them know there is another way. These women can rest and hope that if we can make it off the streets and find a new life – so can they.

Who we serve:  

We serve the women told they don't have a voice or anyone who cares about them, who have struggled with false women's empowerment only to gain discouragement. The women that have been taken advantage of because of their vulnerabilities. We walk alongside the ones that have lost everything and have no hope or idea how to return to normalcy. We help the women who feel dirty, hopeless, broken, less than, unworthy, unlovable, alone, and useless. We empower the ones who can't see their potential because of the loud voices of judgement and shame talking to them. The women who believe their bodies are for business transactions instead of being treasured the way God intended for them to be. We serve the women who feel like the damage they've caused to themselves, and others can't heal; the hurt, the sad, the angry, the confused, the lost. Our shepherd sent others to guide and save us, and we do the same, in Jesus' name.

We let women know there is a better way, they are treasured, loved by Jesus, and we are here to help. Many women we meet and walk alongside decide they would like to give back and help other struggling women, speak at events, or improve their leadership skills. Jasmine started a ministry that has become so fruitful. JGO breaks the cycle of brokenness by serving the women that are stuck within the cycle of brokenness. I am living proof.

How you can pray:  
  • Financial stability for our new Safe Home to house these exploited women.
  • More relationships within the community, volunteers, organizations, business, etc.
  • Open hearts, ears, minds, to hear the truth about exploitation and educating all about The Commercial Sex Trade to help break the cycle of brokenness.