We Are Ministries | Craig and Donna Barton
California, USA
We are "We Are Ministries," or as our friends like to call us, WAM. WAM draws its name from 1 John 3:1 "See what great love the Father has lavished on us, that we should be called children of God. And that is what we are!" All we do flows out of this understanding that those we serve are beloved children of God!
At the heart of WAM is simply this - to help servants serve from a full cup.
We have a three fold approach to care - soul care boat retreats, confidential prayer and marriage tune-ups and support. For other needs that may arise, we will have trusted referrals on hand.
The Barna Group reported that 42% of pastors were thinking of leaving full time ministry in 2023, top reasons were burnout, isolation/loneliness and family stress. WAM hopes to stand in the gap between burnout and flourishing. We hope to serve pastors, missionaries and lay leaders. Just as Aaron helped Moses in Exodus 17, holding up his brother's arm, so WAM wants to come along side kingdom builders and hold them up. What a privilege it is to live into our call to build up the body of Christ through holy rest, encouragement, and restoration.
1. The courage to continue to walk by faith and trust in the Lord's good plans.
2. To have discernment to know the right next step.
3. For a gathering of people and connections that can help make all we hope for a reality.
4. For a peace that surpasses understanding for both WAM and those we will serve.
5. For financial supporters, people who catch a vision for the need to care for kingdom builders.