In 2023 our focus was on growth, and we're humbled to share we grew by 26 partners!
We believe that 2024 is pointing us toward sustainability in order for us to truly thrive. We define thriving as the harmony between community care, financial stewardship, and growth. While these will not always be perfectly balanced, if we focus too long on one part of the equation, we will no longer be sustainable.
And when we are sustainable, we can thrive.
What does it mean to Thrive?
Caring for our Cause Community of Partners and Supporters is a top priority. They are the heartbeat of our organization. We operate with a relationship-first approach and we value people above projects, always.
Our Partners trust us with the covering of their non-profits and our supporters trust us with their financial gifts. These are responsibilities that we do not take lightly. We’re honored to walk alongside those who trust in us and we know that trust is made with transparency in our financial stewardship.
God has called us to use The Cause to provide support for and create a community of high-caliber individuals who are bringing Kingdom around the world. As The Cause grows, we know that Kingdom impact is growing too.

Will you help us thrive in 2024?
Read about stories of impact from our Partners:

Hiring: Administrative Assistant
August 29, 2024
Over 391,000 of these in the U.S.
October 19, 2023