The power of life and death is in our words. Words can be used to slice apart or they can be used to reconcile, encourage, and mend. In this “be noticed or fade into the background” world, so many build platforms based on divisiveness, fed by controversy. Take the death of missionary John Chau. Many journalists, bloggers, and websites have jumped on the controversy, spouting opinions. They join the “debate” to bring attention to themselves.

This is heartbreaking, but worse it removes anointing. Psalms 133 reads, “how good and pleasant it is when God’s people live together in unity! It is like precious oil poured on the head, running down the beard.” In the Old Testament, oil was used to signify anointing and consecration, which means being set apart for holy tasks. Oil is also used in Scripture to represent the Holy Spirit.

So today, instead starting yet another online debate, here is a prayer for unity among those working to bring the Kingdom of God to earth.

A Prayer for Unity

God, thank you for every single person who labors to bring your Kingdom. Thank you for the missionaries, the nonprofit leaders, the church ministers, those who run ethical businesses, and all the people you have called to your work. Thank you for the way that you have brought so many different individuals together through this shared experience. We pray for every leader and and organization. We pray that every individual knows they have a voice and their voice is important. Even when we have diverse thoughts and opinions, we ask that you bring us into unity.

We pray for everyone who has struggled through reentry, dealt with trauma, or had a hard time processing their experiences on the mission field and in ministry. Today, will you hold them and bring them your peace. Provide the right resources, connect them with the right counseling and spiritual care. Enfold them into loving communities. We pray for those who are looking for jobs and struggling to make a living. We ask that you would provide opportunities, open doors, and give employment.

Today we pray for those who are struggling after their faith was deconstructed. We pray for our brothers and sisters who don’t believe in you anymore and who are fighting to still believe. We ask to be known for our gentleness, kindness, and love. Provide soft landing places for our friends who are walking through deep valleys. We ask that you give this group a space at the table, where they are welcomed, cared for, and known.

We pray for all who serve in leadership. We give thanks for them. Continue to draw them closer and closer to you. Give them wisdom, insight, leadership and continued growth. Hold them close during the difficult days and give them continued strength to lead with love.

We pray for every person who has worked to tangibly bring your goodness to earth. We ask that you bless each individual. As a community help us to be people who wisely fight injustices, who love others deeply, and who use up our lives to further your Kingdom. Let us be people of joy and laughter. Fill us with your kindness. By your grace let us love well, and let us be known as a people of unity.

A prayer for unity: How good and pleasant it is when God's people live together in unity!


Photos by Becca Tapert & Nick Abrams on Unsplash

Morgan Funke
Morgan Funke
Our fearless leader and CEO, Morgan has been working in the nonprofit field for over 15 years. Morgan has become a sought-after nonprofit consultant and event speaker. She is happily married to her wonderful husband Nathan, whose job description for The Cause includes, “keeping the CEO sane.” While she admits to losing at yoga and hating Pinterest projects, she loves to read, write, “win” cross-training at her local gym, and throw awesome parties.