The first time I met Bethany Nkoyoyo, she shared about the calling she and her husband Sam had. They were starting a children’s home and school for orphans in Uganda. The vision was huge and the project monumental, but Bethany carried deep faith and quiet strength. It’s been our privilege at The Cause to partner with The Nkoyoyo’s as they build their ministry – CITY Uganda. Over the last two years Bethany and Sam have taken in multiple children, providing love, food, clothing, and education for each of their kids. They have lived each day by faith, trusting God’s provision, even when resources have been scarce. Day by day they have tirelessly worked towards the vision of giving these kids a hope and a future!

–Morgan Funke


CITY Uganda, Sam and Bethany Nkoyoyo

Tell us a little about how you got to where you are today!

Sam and I come from different backgrounds and experiences. Through different life situations, we both felt God call us to work with kids, especially those who have given up hope for a future.

What is your vision for CITY?

One of our first big goals is to start a Nursery and Primary School (preschool through elementary school) and a children’s home. As a start, we have taken in a number of kids and a few older boys. Through CITY, with the support and prayers of others, we have been sending 11 kids to school which includes having to clothe and feed them as well.

Bethany and Sam Nkyoyo - The CITY UgandaBethany and Sam Nkyoyo - The CITY Uganda

What was an initial challenge in starting your ministry?

Finding land!  There is land being sold all over the place, but it was difficult to find land in a “good” location, in a conducive environment, that can be expanded on in the future, and for the right price. Multiple times we found a location, started negotiations, and then the seller changed the price or conditions. A couple of months after we started paying for the land we now own, we found out the owner had “sold” parts of the land to other people, so that was a set-back for a few months.

How did you overcome this challenge?

Prayer and persistent searching. Reaching out to various people and looking at different properties. We also made sure to do official papers and negotiations through a lawyer.

What continues to motivate you when times are hard? 

We keep ourselves motivated by thinking about where our kids were and where they are today. We also know that there are more kids we can help to get an education.

It’s hard to think about the lives some of our kids were leading before living with us.  This isn’t to say our house is perfect or the best place, but we are trying to make a difference in their lives and give them a hope for the future. One of our girls is HIV+ and was not doing well. She now takes her medicine daily and is so motivated to do her best in school. A few of our kids lived with a mom who could not provide for them, one had started smoking before the age of 14. They had been given alcohol just to sleep at night and not realize how hungry they were.

Bethany and Sam Nkyoyo - The CITY Uganda

What have you recently celebrated – personally and/or professionally? 

Making our final payment for CITY land!  We found the land and started to pay for it November 2017. There have been some roadblocks along the way, but it is now paid off. Now we can begin to plan the buildings for our Nursery and Primary School!

What is your most recent prayer request?

Financial support and for our kids to finish this school year strong! The school year here in Uganda ends late-November, early-December.

What is your most important fundraising goal at the moment?

We are in the midst of fencing (building a wall) around the other part of our property, where the boys and our animals stay. We are trusting God to provide the money, so we have already started building. We didn’t want to wait until all the money was in because the safety of our kids is very important to us. During rainy season, it is much easier for people to steal or just break into places because it is harder to hear things over the heavy rain. 

Bethany and Sam Nkyoyo - The CITY Uganda
What words of wisdom or encouragement do you have for others just starting out?

Trust God and keep Him in the center of all your plans and decisions. It’s not easy to start something, but with God, all things truly are possible. Remember back to WHY you decided to start; find that motivation or the words God spoke to you.

How has The Cause helped you and your ministry? 

I (Bethany) have been support raising for over 8 years now. Being with The Cause has been such a great experience. From the first time I talked with Morgan (and Jenn) I have felt encouraged and really supported. Knowing that they are not only handling our finances, but also praying for us, has meant so much to us. They are good at staying in touch, giving advice, and I feel comfortable to ask any questions as they come along.

What’s your preferred way for others to connect with you?  Email
Support CITY and their vision for a beautiful children’s home here:
Donate: CITY

Called to give a hope and a future


Photos by Pop & Zebra on Unsplash

The Cause
The Cause
The Cause is a faith-based nonprofit providing an organizational covering for projects that demonstrate God's love and improve lives around the world.

Our mission is to provide nonprofit structure and support to Christian leaders serving the under-served worldwide. We facilitate our partners to accomplish their missions.

Our vision is to empower a community of people dedicated to making a difference in the world. To provide our partners with a solid administrative backing, leadership coaching, as well as offering spiritual and emotional support.