Our Cause partners are constantly dreaming up innovative ways to sustainably build their ministry. When these God-given visions come to life, we see each partners' impact multiply in breadth and longevity. Through funding and mentoring, the Internal Grant Program is allowing donors a more direct avenue to participate in building these grassroots ministries!
How does it work?
Every penny counts! Your donation is actively used to fund Cause partners' dream projects.
Our partners go through a formalized process to present the budget and strategic plan for their project.
The Cause staff will present the grantors with our finalists. As the donor, you get to be on a team that decides which projects will be awarded funding.
Finally, we pair our partners with managerial coaches to ensure that their dreams come to life with sustainability and excellence!
Our most recent grant project: Chicken Coops in Eswatini!
How do you want to get involved?
What are our Partners saying?
“This grant program has given me the confidence to apply for other external grants. The Cause made this approachable and simple, while still being formal and professional. People Need People is grateful to be considered for such a unique type of funding!”
Elizabeth Friend

We would love to chat with you about how you can advance innovative, Kingdom projects!
To get the conversation started, email Elizabeth at elizabeth@thecause.org.
If you're a partner looking for the application, it can be found in the Partner Portal.