The Cause is composed of almost 50 ministry partners, in 11 countries, who reach over 200,000 people. Our world-changing partners serve the most under-served humans around the globe, including people who have been trafficked, orphaned, displaced, and more.

Today it’s my immense privilege to introduce you to one of our game changing ministry pioneers – Jonathan!

Jonathan was born and raised in India and God has given him an unquenchable calling to reach the young people in his country and transform them into disciple making leaders. Jonathan’s heart is burdened by the deep needs of his country, the lack of leadership, the political situation, and the young people who are directionless. He has dedicated his life to his ministry, Aspire.

Through Jonathan’s ministry many young people from different backgrounds in India are committing their lives to Jesus!

The Cause has been able to help Jonathan by creating a US-based nonprofit he can use to raise support for his ministry, but even more importantly we support Aspire through prayer, promotion, and encouragement.

The impact discipleship can make
Check out Jonathan’s incredibly exciting update about an entire community being transformed through sports ministry:

Seven years ago, we started sharing the gospel in Puzhal, a local community in Chennai. It was barren, no gospel, and no young people were following Christ in this community. Sports was very popular here, so we thought the most natural way to share the gospel would be through sports ministry.  We did this by establishing an academy (a place where we train athletes), starting a pro-Christian soccer team, starting a community church, discipling individuals one on one, and doing house visits. The gospel was spreading, and more and more young people were getting involved- it was exciting!

Recently, we were praying and dreaming about the future of this community, and we decided to change the day we have church from Tuesdays to Sundays. Right away the leaders who help me in Puzhal brought it to my attention that most of the guys in the community now go to a church on Sundays, so they probably won’t attend due to their church commitment. Immediately, God reminded me that seven years ago, not one person from that community was attending church.  Now, most of the guys are in church every Sunday! When God reminded me of this, I was overwhelmed with all He has done, and that I was able to be a part of His incredible work in Puzhal! This brings me great joy, and it gives me strength to continue to press on!

The impact discipleship can make

Due to your prayers and financial contributions, you too have contributed to this great work in Puzhal… THANK YOU!

Continue to pray for our family and the responsibilities that God has placed over our lives pertaining to the Kingdom. You have been a great friend.

– Jonathan & Family

Here’s how you can pray for Jonathan:
  • Open doors into restricted cities.
  • God’s provision and protection over Jonathan, his wife and their children.
  • Finances to continue to disciple youth through sports ministry. Their current need is $350 in monthly support and $2,000 in one time donations.
Contact Us to Support!



Photos by Annie Spratt on Unsplash

The Cause
The Cause
The Cause is a faith-based nonprofit providing an organizational covering for projects that demonstrate God's love and improve lives around the world.

Our mission is to provide nonprofit structure and support to Christian leaders serving the under-served worldwide. We facilitate our partners to accomplish their missions.

Our vision is to empower a community of people dedicated to making a difference in the world. To provide our partners with a solid administrative backing, leadership coaching, as well as offering spiritual and emotional support.