Your brain observes and absorbs information every second through different senses. 








What you feed your brain is as important as the food you eat. Recognizing this will set you up for a more productive routine. I understand that you don’t always have the options to cater to every sense. Sometimes you have to work with what you have. That’s alright! I want to share small steps that will only take a few minutes of your day.

If you’re struggling to keep a healthy mental diet and have limited time to spare, then this is for you!

You’ve heard the popular saying, “Out of sight, out of mind”. This applies to more than your closed junk drawer and dirty laundry in the other room.

Look around. Is there clutter or trash?

If so, take a quick break and clear your space. A walk to the kitchen or trash gets you moving. It’s a short change of scenery but it can help recenter your focus. Fewer distractions equal more productivity!

I’m currently cleaning up a dirty coffee cup and wrapper that’s been out since this morning. Whoops!



I’m a big lover of music! I like to listen to different genres depending on what my goal is. If I’m doing chores or trying to improve my mood, I’ll listen and sing to upbeat tunes. Fun Fact: singing can release endorphins, the feel-good chemicals in your brain.

I prefer instrumental music whenever I read or write. Here are a few playlists that I recommend:

Music for Plants

Jazz in the Background

Lofi Beats



This is one of my favorites. It’s incredible how scents can not only change the feel of a space but can also trigger detailed memories. Have you ever noticed that? A whiff of perfume can take you back to your grandma’s house or a squeeze of sunscreen to a family beach day.

“Scents bypass the thalamus and go straight to the brain’s smell center, known as the olfactory bulb. The olfactory bulb is directly connected to the amygdala and hippocampus, which might explain why the smell of something can so immediately trigger a detailed memory or even intense emotion.”

– Ashley Hamer (Discovery)

With all this in mind, I like to keep my workspace smelling fabulous! An invigorating scent like peppermint, citrus, or eucalyptus helps me stay focused. Here is the candle I currently have burning on my desk: Citrus Grove.



Making coffee is part of my morning ritual. It’s not only the warmth of the cup or the smell of the
beans brewing that makes it special, it’s the rich taste!

I especially enjoy the days that I give myself a little bit more time to craft my drink. This fuels that childlike excitement like when I get an extra scoop of ice cream. Who wouldn’t want to start a day like that?

One of my favorite drinks to make is a Date Latte. If you’re more of a tea drinker, try this delightful recipe: London Fog Drink.



Where are your shoulders right now? To your ears? Take a deep breath and let that tension release your shoulders.

It’s important to be aware of your body and comfort level. If you’re hunched over all day writing, you’re going to be sore the next day. If you work out and don’t start with a good stretch, you’ll regret it.

Give your body the deep stretches it needs to circulate all that oxygen you’re breathing in. Take 5 minutes for some quick Chair Yoga.



I had to squeeze one more in here! This might be the most important.

You are on this earth for a reason. God created you for this time, here and now. Recenter your thoughts and rest in this throughout the day: God is good and we have so much to be thankful for.

When the goodness and loving kindness of God our Savior appeared, he saved us, not because of works done by us in righteousness, but according to his own mercy, by the washing of regeneration and renewal of the Holy Spirit, whom he poured out on us richly through Jesus Christ our Savior, so that being justified by his grace we might become heirs according to the hope of eternal life.

– Titus 3:4-7

Read that one more time.

Thank you, God, for your mercy, grace, and love. You are an awesome God!

Madi Harrison
Madi Harrison
Madi overlooks communications, social media curation, and fundraising for The Cause. She is an avid rollerblader, singer/songwriter, and thrives in genuine connections and conversations. Madi enjoys leading worship at church with her husband, baking gluten-free goodies late at night, tending to her growing collection of plants, and learning about bees.