Accelerate grassroots ministries around the world.

Some of the most impactful global ministries get pulled from their vision by menial administrative work. Through The Cause, small team ministries are alleviated of their administrative burden and freed up to focus on their calling.

Through your donation, ministries are equipped to honor their commitment to community transformation. Together, we are freeing women from human trafficking, discipling youth, evangelizing unreached people, feeding the hungry, housing orphans, caring for widows, and so much more.

Thank You for Supporting What We Do

Your donation allows our partners to serve communities around the world!


By providing financial covering and administrative support, we are able to save our partners' time and money, so they can use their resources on their ministry. As a registered 501(c)(3), all your donations are tax-deductible.


Please make the check out to “The Cause, Inc.” and write the name of the partner you are supporting in the memo. Mail to The Cause, 4225 Oceanside Blvd, Suite H-325, Oceanside, CA 92056.


For over-the-phone donations, any questions regarding your support, or to make changes to your donations, please contact us at 760-752-2873.


Donate Cryptocurrency

We are partnered with, a non-profit that accepts cryptocurrency on our behalf, and sends us the donation amount in USD. will automatically send you a donation receipt. To donate cryptocurrency to The Cause General Fund, please Click Here.

Donate Stock/Mutual Funds

If you would like to donate investments to The Cause or one of our partners, we will get you the brokerage account information needed to make the transfer. Please email Leticia Tschetter, Click Here.

Donate a Vehicle

We are registered on Cars for Charity making it simple to donate a vehicle and get a tax receipt! They'll pick up the vehicle free of charge, then the vehicle will be sold & proceeds donated to The Cause. To start the donation process, Click here.


At The Cause, we offer all of our staff salaried positions. Every donation we receive directly for our staff members frees up funds, which allows us to offer even more support for our incredible partners!

Morgan Funke

Morgan Funke

Will Miller

Will Miller
Chief Relationship Officer

Leticia Tschetter

Leticia Tschetter
Chief Operating Officer

Jenn Rodenberg

Jenn Rodenberg
Operations Excellence Manager


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Emergency Campaigns
Health & Wellness
Partner Highlights

Warrior Recovery | Jess Kowalcyzk

Warrior Recovery | Jess Kowalcyzk

Transform Eswatini | Brittine and Sambulo Ndzinisa

Transform Eswatini | Brittine and Sambulo Ndzinisa

We Are Ministries | Craig and Donna Barton

We Are Ministries | Craig and Donna Barton

Outpour | Phu Le

Outpour | Phu Le

Little Trees Project | Linda Gillick

Little Trees Project | Linda Gillick

Witness Studios | Brennen Faelin

Witness Studios | Brennen Faelin

Cleophas Ministries | Emanga Swedy

Cleophas Ministries | Emanga Swedy

School of Life

School of Life



She Power | Treehouse

She Power | Treehouse

Every Teen Has A Neighbor

Every Teen Has A Neighbor

Relief and Development Support Organization

Relief and Development Support Organization

the Art Room

the Art Room

HisName El Salvador

HisName El Salvador

Joshua and Gloria Azikiwe

Joshua and Gloria Azikiwe

Seven Pillars | Elder Dumas

Seven Pillars | Elder Dumas

The Wards’ Asian Adventure

The Wards’ Asian Adventure

28:19 Global Outreach

28:19 Global Outreach

Nadeau Ministries

Nadeau Ministries

Abiding Practice

Abiding Practice

Acts Ministries

Acts Ministries

Protected: Aspire: Sports and Discipleship

Protected: Aspire: Sports and Discipleship

Berean Word Seekers

Berean Word Seekers

Boldly Authentic

Boldly Authentic

C3 Leadership Initiative

C3 Leadership Initiative

Cathy Anjum Ministries

Cathy Anjum Ministries

Cedar & Palm

Cedar & Palm

Charis Zoe Ministries

Charis Zoe Ministries



Debby Wong

Debby Wong

Deep Water Eswatini

Deep Water Eswatini

E3 Launchpad

E3 Launchpad

Elizabeth Friend

Elizabeth Friend

Filipinos Reaching Nations

Filipinos Reaching Nations

For The One

For The One



Greater Grace Tribal Fellowship

Greater Grace Tribal Fellowship

Hello Light

Hello Light

Home Austin

Home Austin

HuMannaTea For All

HuMannaTea For All



Jasmine Grace Outreach

Jasmine Grace Outreach

Jasmine Grace Outreach – Anita Cunha

Jasmine Grace Outreach – Anita Cunha

Brave Achievers

Brave Achievers



Love God Fear Nothing

Love God Fear Nothing

Mbutfu Community Center

Mbutfu Community Center



Mike Salsbury Ministries

Mike Salsbury Ministries

Protected: Nest & Sparrow

Protected: Nest & Sparrow

On The Walk

On The Walk

Outpour – General Fund

Outpour – General Fund

Outpour – Amy Duncan

Outpour – Amy Duncan

Outpour – Braverly

Outpour – Braverly

Outpour – Joshua Glover

Outpour – Joshua Glover

Outpour – Kayla Koontz

Outpour – Kayla Koontz

Outpour – Kristy Mikel

Outpour – Kristy Mikel

Outpour – Safe Home Land

Outpour – Safe Home Land

Outpour – Wards

Outpour – Wards

Penta Global

Penta Global

Places of Welcome

Places of Welcome

Rachel Marie Allen Missions

Rachel Marie Allen Missions

Raven’s Ark Ministries

Raven’s Ark Ministries

Sarah Grice

Sarah Grice

Scripture Speaks

Scripture Speaks

Spark To Sustain

Spark To Sustain

Saan Jai Rak | Sprite & Kristen Chuenchum

Saan Jai Rak | Sprite & Kristen Chuenchum

Suubi House

Suubi House

Ukrainian Orphan Care

Ukrainian Orphan Care

Wholeness Journey

Wholeness Journey

Jenna VanderHaar

Jenna VanderHaar

Worthy Journey

Worthy Journey

Yireh Casa de Refugio

Yireh Casa de Refugio

Youth Direct Sports

Youth Direct Sports

The Zoe House

The Zoe House

Please Note: As per IRS law, when a donor makes a contribution to a charitable organization, the charity (The Cause) has exclusive legal control of the assets contributed.  A donor may have the privilege of making a non-binding recommendation with respect to the distribution of the funds held, however, the charity is entitled to allocate funds at their discretion, including reallocating funds, including, but not limited to, in the event the recommended project is canceled.